The Sunday Greenwich TimeThese striking photographs, in vivid color, many using clouds and a beautifully coloredsky as a backdrop, were very simple in composition but complex in concept andexecution.I wanted to show and write about Lisa’s work in today’s column, because I’mhoping that the opening you see in Lisa’s photograph will be a window into your ownimagination.One can’t look at Lisa’s work without wondering how she creates her images.What captured my fancy was the way in which one image is inserted into another image,and then opened in a way that ties the first two together.Itpulls you through visually toyet another dimension. I’ve always struggled with photography’s limited dimensionality,and I like the way in which Lisa breaks through into a third dimension while staying intwo.Having seen Lisa’s work, please now take a minute to internalize her concept inyour imagination. What happens when you look around the room you are in and projectone of Lisa’s dimensional “windows” onto your wall? Where does that take you? Whatdo you see through that opening? If you were challenged to try a technique like hers,what backdrop would you choose? Can you imagine a cityscape as a backdrop? Can youimagine a forest through the window? What is most important for me in Lisa’s work isthat we are not only invited but challenged to imagine what is and what could be, whilegoing “From One Placeto Another”. (Title of work)By Lee Paine